On Thu, Sep 26, 2002 at 11:45:53AM -0400, German Martinez <gmartine@mafalda.opentransit.net> wrote:
|I'm looking to improve my connectivity into the AP region, in |a cost effective [i.e. for as little as possible :-)]. I have |ruled out buying transit as it doesn't help the issue that I'm |trying to resolve, so I was wondering if there was a location/IXP |in the AP region that would enable me to interconnect with |as many AP carriers as possible.
sadly the best spot to interconnect is not in the AP region, its in Palo Alto.
Is this really still true?
Some big carriers that owns lots of transpacific capacity you will see them colocated in places like Palo Alto (PAIX) or Equinix LA. Therefore to increase their transit/peering capacity they will have to order just a cross connect. IMHO, it is a good and scalable approach and easy to manage.
I would confirm GM's assertion. Also, if you have the luxury of caring more about a smaller set of large-capacity Tier1 private peers, there is some presence of AsiaPac providers doing this at Equinix SJ.
If you have a good customer base in Asia you should go and do "regional peering" in the local IXs (i.e KIX, HKIX, JPIX etc). If you want to be competitive in that market and keep your customers happy, IMHO you should go for this, otherwise as you stated, packets for intra Asia traffic will flow to the West Coast and then come back to Asia.
In Japan there are 4 IXes I'm aware of (JPIX and NSPIXP-2 being the largest). In Hong Kong, HKIX is (last I heard) pretty popular. In Korea, I'm told there are quite a few Ixes. There is some intra-Asia meshing going on (including both carriers as well as efforts like ABONE). Is it still the case that to get from (say) Korea to Japan, the best path is through the US?
HKIX seems pretty healthy: http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/hkix/stat/aggt/hkix-aggregate.html http://www.hkix.net/hkix/connected.html According to folks that have visited them, NSPIXP2 is more a legacy low-cost, ad-hoc, non-commercial style exchange, versus the tighter controlled commercial focus of JPIX and JPNAP. Anyone know of stats for Korean IXes or other major AsiaPac IXes? In english? Anyone have experience to share on which AsiaPac IXes are currently providing best success for minimizing costs of peering and backhaul? Cheers, -Lane
Rgds, -drc