On Tue, Jun 16, 1998 at 10:33:29PM -0400, Jamie Scheinblum wrote:
And then you'll get wrapped up in the court-case, probably lose the case since they'll be able to hire better lawyers and fight it out longer, the judge/jury will have no idea what your talking about, and you'll still be the victim of the smurf attacks. My guess is, you won't get far this way. Too many people to sue.
I still like the idea of running a scan of the entire IP space, as expensive and tiring it would be, and inject them all into the RBL.
Nice idea, but one of limited usefulness - not everyone uses the RBL -- Steven J. Sobol - Founding Member, Postmaster/Webmaster, ISP Liaison -- Forum for Responsible & Ethical E-mail (FREE) - Dedicated to education about, and prevention of, Unsolicited Broadcast E-mail (UBE), also known as SPAM. Info: http://www.ybecker.net