On Jun 3, 2008, at 6:06 PM, TS Glassey wrote:
So at one time Cogent was one of the lowest performing bandwidth providers. Anyone have any responses to their current operations?
regards, Todd Glassey CISM CIFI Chief Scientist/Founder - Certichron Inc TGlassey@Wireless-Time.COM 650-796-8178
Couple remarks on their reputation in europe, I've never had Cogent transit, so this requires further investigation. They're the cheapest (cost-wise, I wouldn't venture to say technically- wise) in Europe, that's a fact. They often get into peering clashes against major actors, they've recently been in that situation with Telia, in the past with France's incumbent (Orange), Level 3 has also depeered them in the past, this is due to them being brokers and is inherent to their pricing policy - it certainly will keep happening to them in the future. The above point is from my perspective a show-stopper, but a good strategy I've very often heard from some of their customers is to use them to forward traffic towards exotic locations, where QoS is not an issue, or where revenue is not critical. Their IP core is supposedly a patch-work resulting from their numerous past acquisitions (PSINet, Lambdanet to name a few), which can explain the many outages they have. Still, the sales people in Europe are really kind, comprehensive and caring people, which makes it a little better, I suppose :) Hope this helped. Greg VILLAIN Independant internet architect