A much more common configuration is a combination of a low cost 48-port L2 aggregation switch, something whitebox or similar to a Taiwanese OEM/ODM such as edgecore, with a single 10GbE uplink to a small MPLS-capable router. One 10Gbps link can fit a great many 1GbE active-E residential customers in it. On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 10:52 AM Colton Conor <colton.conor@gmail.com> wrote:
Indeed the ACX5048 is a great box but expensive. I was talking about using the Gig-e ports of a 48 port switch to face subscribers, and asking what low cost IP-Capable MPLS capable 48 port switch fits that role. Basically an access switch for AE.
On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 9:10 AM Aaron Gould <aaron1@gvtc.com> wrote:
Not sure if this is what y'all are talking about, but I use lots of Juniper ACX5048 (previously Cisco ME3600 or ASR9000) for mpls-capable router edging in native ip/ethernet from ftth gpon network into mpls l2circuits and LOTS of vrf.... vrf for public ip, vrf for cgnat for private ip, vrf for voice... I'm glad I did it.
Residential----- ONT-----ftth/gpon------OLT------ACX5048-----mpls/vrf x-------cgnat/inet------
Residential----- DSL Modem-----DSLAM-----------ACX5048-----mpls/vrf y-------cgnat/inet------
Residential----- Cable Modem-----CMTS-----------ACX5048-----mpls/vrf z-------cgnat/inet------