Thus spake "Bob Martinez" <bobmartinezzz@hotmail.com>
You are the guy that posted about IBGP Nailed Routes. I love that idea. I understand your love of L3 and your design is great; however, as a service provider, you can't always rely on IP.
As an ISP, your job is to provide IP. If you -- much less your customers -- can't rely on your IP service, you'll soon be toast in the marketplace.
What about Global Ethernet? The NY, Paris, Tokyo, Seoul, Singapore, Frankfurt, Moscow, Bankok, Sydney, Hong Kong, London, Cairo, Los Angeles, Jerusalem, Toronto, Mexico City, Rio (Can I manage this one?) Internet Exchange?
And one errant BPDU can take down your entire network. You're going to need a bunch of PhD-level guys in your NOC with that design.
Simple like you said. Gotta work on the reliability part though.
You're just now thinking about reliability after you've finalized your design? Stop, you're killing me... S