In message <HGEEKCPKMCLEIOHFGKCNOEPLCBAA.nigel@forever-networks.com>, "Nigel Cl arke" writes:
Start now, do whatever it takes.
Amongst the paperwork passed to congress, RIAA must have indicated where it's hackers would work from. Why not start there?
I assume you're talking about the Berman bill -- for the full text, see http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/D?c107:1:./temp/~c107Pidyhy:: (it's not law yet). Note in particular that although they have to notify the Attorney-General of the technologies they intend to use, the bill doesn't say anything about IP addresses. Note also that the technology list is confidential. Actually, the entire text is pretty appalling -- but read it for yourself. --Steve Bellovin, http://www.research.att.com/~smb (me) http://www.wilyhacker.com ("Firewalls" book)