On Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 20:40:06PM -0400, Barry Shein wrote:
Just curious, what's the source of this uunet announcement (as in a link or cite, not "uunet!")?
On March 30, 2012 at 16:41 henry@AegisInfoSys.com (Henry Yen) wrote:
uunet/vzb "will terminate its United States Newsreader and Newsfeed services on March 31, 2012, with no plans to offer a replacement, and any content/data remaining after that date will be unrecoverably deleted".
it was a written letter to (some or all) transit customers of verizonbusiness. no, the word "uunet" isn't in there, but that's how i think of them, even before wcom and mci (and metro fiber). i was more interested in comments regarding the feed (nntp) side rather than the reader (lotsa choices, including gated feeds, dejanews/google, etc.). -- Henry Yen <Henry.Yen@Aegis00.com> Aegis Information Systems, Inc. Senior Systems Programmer Hicksville, New York 1-800-AEGIS-00 (800-234-4700)