On Jan 9, 2011, at 3:02 PM, Jon Lewis wrote:
Should IRR services be part of the ARIN mission?
If that's a serious question, why does rr.arin.net exist at all?
Jon - Existence of not in and of itself proof that the services are presently desired by the community, nor that there are benefits in having them provided by ARIN. For example, one can argue that it is desirable for ARIN to provide IRR services in the case where allocation policy had dependencies into the state of the IRR; this is not the case in the ARIN region. Another reason for ARIN to offer services is if it can do so in a manner that would significantly improve their quality (one might argue such about resource certification via RPKI, but that's not as obvious for a routing registry) At the end of the day, we want ARIN to be providing quality services around the registration of Internet number resources; these services need to be valued by the community and provided cost-effectively. Do you: 1) want IRR services, and if so, with what features? 2) believe IRR services should be provided by ARIN? Getting input from the community on this will significantly help the ARIN staff make informed recommendations to the ARIN Board regarding how to best proceed. I'd also welcome private email with these thoughts if that's your preference. Thanks! /John John Curran President and CEO ARIN