On Jun 27, 2008, at 6:11 PM, Jean-François Mezei wrote:
But my uneducated opinion is that this current project appears to let the .TLD loose and this will result in top level domains being meaningless, without any trust.
Given the complexity of the new gTLD process, I think it safe to say that there will be quite significant vetting of pretty much all aspects of new TLD applications. The press reports that say 'the floodgates have been opened' simply aren't true.
There should have been an evolution from a tightly controlled small set of TLDs towards alowly growing set of TLDs done fairly and openly.
There has been. There was an initial set of 7 new TLDs (biz, info, name, museum, coop, aero, pro) back in 2002. There was much (justifiable IMHO) unhappiness about the process that created these TLDs. ICANN went back to the drawing board and came up with a new process ('sponsored' TLDs) which resulted in travel, cat, jobs, mobi, tel, and post (xxx was in this crowd but was shot down). There was much (justifiable IMHO) unhappiness about the process that created these TLDs. ICANN went back to the drawing board and came up with a new process. And here we are. I'm sure ICANN got it exactly right this time... (OK, maybe not :-)). Regards, -drc