Yes and no… Yes, IBM bot Softlayer. No, IBM datacenters that predate Softlayer still can’t spell IPv6. Softlayer datacenters all had IPv6 before IBM got to them. Owen
On Jan 5, 2016, at 14:53 , Mansoor Nathani <mnathani.lists@gmail.com> wrote:
Aren't IBM and Softlayer one and the same these days?
On Tue, Jan 5, 2016 at 11:44 AM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com <mailto:owen@delong.com>> wrote: I bet if more people moved to clouds that have IPv6 support such as:
Host Virtual vr.org <http://vr.org/> <http://vr.org/ <http://vr.org/>> Softlayer softlayer.com <http://softlayer.com/> <http://softlayer.com/ <http://softlayer.com/>> Linode linode.com <http://linode.com/> <http://linode.com/ <http://linode.com/>>
Places like Amazon and Google and IBM would get the message faster than from people complaining on this list.
On Jan 5, 2016, at 08:15 , James Hartig <fastest963@gmail.com <mailto:fastest963@gmail.com>> wrote:
I would hope that Google would first fix the fact that "Compute Engine networks do not support IPv6 at all."[1] before doing anything with SEO.
[1] https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/networking <https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/networking> -- James Hartig