On 29 Jun 2002 02:32:03 +0000, Vijay Gill wrote:
Mike Leber <mleber@he.net> writes:
Sprint's peers aren't equal to Sprint or each other when considered by revenue, profitability, number of customers, or geographical coverage.
A good proxy for the above is to ask the question:
Do X and Y feel they derive equal value (for some value of equal) by interconnecting with each other?
If they think they do, then an interconnection is set up between X and Y. However, if one party feels that they do NOT derive equal value by interconnecting with the other, than that party usually balks.
This doesn't make any sense at all. Why should X care how much value Y gets out of the deal at all?! This is like saying that Burger King should charge hungrier people more for a Whopper. DS