Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 11:55:56 -0500 From: Richard Irving <rirving@onecall.net> Sender: owner-nanog@merit.edu
Unless someone knows differently, the renumbering at AADS been called off. (Enough people signed up to pay for the space, independent of AADS operations)
At least, this is true according to Bill Manning.
(As if *he* knows anything ;)
No. Bill only said that he had agreements to fund support of the existing numbers from enough people at AADS that he would not turn off name service on 1/15. The message from Kevin Peterson at AADS came out significantly after this transpired and the NANOG BOF on AADS renumbering is still very much on the agenda. I imagine that the renumbering to some Ameritech owned address space will take place within the next month. and that it will continue to be a single prefix and not a mass of /30s. The message from Kevin (Peterson, not me) stated that the last octet would remain the same as it is now, so it would simply be a matter of adding a single secondary address to each router interface and a new set of addresses to the ATM address map. (This assumes Cisco routers. I have no experience with others.) Until I hear otherwise from AADS, I assume the renumbering is on. We should all know more about a week from tonight after the BOF in Denver. It does seem odd that several organizations that should have heard about this direct from AADS seem unaware. Maybe it just has not trickled up to Randy from whoever receives these things from AADS at Verio. R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer Energy Sciences Network (ESnet) Ernest O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) E-mail: oberman@es.net Phone: +1 510 486-8634