Douglas Montgomery wrote : You should follow the discussion of draft-ietf-sidrops-validating-bgp-speaker which proposed standardizing an approach to doing what you suggest. Many on this thread think that it is a counterproductive idea to do this. See discussion starting here: https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/sidrops/6lDz5dI-jg-OhpGR4xKRZ6lYZRA
I'm looking at adoption numbers, especially in the ARIN region. RPKI is practically inexistant, and some respected members are already saying it's a rathole. At 2% deployment, we are far away from the critical mass it needs. If the deployment strategy does not change, I don't see how that critical mass will happen. Until someone actually starts to discard invalid RPKI prefixes and assesses the actual inconvenience, this is not going anywhere. If you want to promote it, you have to do something not just analyze.
Second, in general our mission is limited to supporting the development and promulgation of consensus standards and the development of test / measurement methods and guidanceto accelerate their adoption. In particular we are not well positioned to provide operational Internet services of the nature you describe.
You provide critical time services, this would be nothing compared to it.
2. There are some legal issues regarding the redistribution of machine readable RPKI data/results to third parties. See below section 5 Prohibited Conduct: https://www.arin.net/resources/rpki/rpa.pdf
As always (and rightfully so) ARIN is trying to avoid legal liability. Better to remove the possibility of getting sued than having to deal with it. There are ways around that. My $0.02, Michel. TSI Disclaimer: This message and any files or text attached to it are intended only for the recipients named above and contain information that may be confidential or privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not forward, copy, use or otherwise disclose this communication or the information contained herein. In the event you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately by replying to this message, and then delete all copies of it from your system. Thank you!...