Apologies for the gibberish of my previous message. Here's The URL that never made it to the list that contains the article I referenced and my footer note: [1]http://siliconinvestor.advfn.com/readmsg.aspx?msgid=26408512 --- frank@fttx.org wrote: From: "Frank A. Coluccio" <frank@fttx.org> To: "Michael Thomas" <mike@mtcc.com> Cc: nanog@nanog.org Subject: Re: "Is TDM going the way of dial-up?" Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2010 09:10:37 -0700 re: "what is the state of voip-over-cellular as essentially the last holdout of TDM? Will the new 4G stuff be able to support latencies, etc? Has the work on handovers-over-IP matured enough that it's viable?" One of the biggest hurdles in bringing Ethernet to mobile/cellular apps has been its lack of synchronous capabilities. This is now being overcome in a variety of ways, both IETF-instigated and at IEEE, and through some proprietary solutions where vendors are re-introducing system clocking. See my footer note <fac:> that addresses this subject at the bottom of [1]this message. --- mike@mtcc.com wrote: From: Michael Thomas <mike@mtcc.com> To: Steve Meuse <smeuse@mara.org> Cc: nanog@nanog.org Subject: Re: "Is TDM going the way of dial-up?" Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2010 08:33:38 -0700 On 03/26/2010 08:26 AM, Steve Meuse wrote: > Rick Ernst expunged (nanog@shreddedmail.com): > >> I'm wondering if others are seeing the same behavior, if it's >> market-dependant, or if I'm just imagining things. I'm working on building >> new infrastructure and my current thoughts are to minimize my TDM >> footprint. It would be useful to get a better feel if this is an overall >> trend or something local. > > You aren't imagining things. In fact, some large national networks have been designed to support solely ethernet. It comes down to cost, as always.... Speaking of which, what is the state of voip-over-cellular as essentially the last holdout of TDM? Will the new 4G stuff be able to support latencies, etc? Has the work on handovers-over-IP matured enough that it's viable? Mike References 1. http://siliconinvestor.advfn.com/readmsg.aspx?msgid=26408512 References 1. http://siliconinvestor.advfn.com/readmsg.aspx?msgid=26408512