I happened to notice the following at three separate sites around the US and one site in Europe: $ dig +short +norec @F.ROOT-SERVERS.NET HOSTNAME.BIND CHAOS TXT "pek2a.f.root-servers.org" and: $ dig +short +norec @F.ROOT-SERVERS.NET HOSTNAME.BIND CHAOS TXT "pek2b.f.root-servers.org" After running a couple of traceroutes it appears that he.net has a route for F's anycast IPv6 address (2001:500:2f::f) towards Beijing. According to https://www.isc.org/community/f-root/sites the Beijing node should be a "Local Node" (without IPv6 but I suppose the list is not up to date). I believe this means that a lot of DNS queries from IPv6 enabled sites in US and other countries are going to Beijing. I wonder if this is intentional? Chinese government (CNNIC) seems to be in the path. All my sites seem to have he.net somewhere in the IPv6 connectivity path. I wonder if this is specific to he.net or more wide-spread routing anomaly? I have notified he.net NOC and F-root @ ISC. Best Regards, -- Janne Snabb / EPIPE Communications snabb@epipe.com - http://epipe.com/