Leo Bicknell <bicknell@ufp.org> writes:
In a message written on Thu, Dec 27, 2007 at 10:57:59PM +0100, Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:
It is wih IPv6: you just connect the ethernet cable and the RAs take care of the rest. _You_ _really_ _don't_ _need_ _DHCP_ _for_ _IPv6_. If you need extreme control then manual configuration will give you that, which may be appropriate in some cases, such as servers.
Really. I didn't know RA's could:
- Configure NTP servers for me. - Tell me where to netboot from. - Enter dynamic DNS entries in the DNS tree for me. - Tell me my domain name. - Tell me the VLAN to use for IP Telephony.
Those are things I use on a regular basis I'd really rather not manually configure.
I'm running (native) IPv6 at home, and in the colo too. Most of my ssh sessions to personally owned machines go over v6. My laptops (with a single exception) are Macs. You may not be aware that the Mac is fairly smart about which interface it uses for connections - it will prefer the gigabit ethernet to the wireless when it sees link... it prefers wireless to dialup too. Basically, whenever you establish a new outgoing session it will use the "lowest cost" interface to do the deed. For IPv4, I have the same address manually assigned on the DHCP server to both the gigabit ethernet's MAC address and the wireless interface's MAC address. This means that when I plug into the gige, as I do for filesharing or backing some files up, the Mac uses the gigabit ethernet. When I unplug and carry the Mac to the conference room, *all existing upper layer sessions are preserved* - TCP and friends are blissfully unaware that a change has taken place; one gratuitous arp so the router knows where to send the packets and we're on our way again with nary a hiccup. I don't have an ssh session croak just because I connected or disconnected a cable. I'd really, really, really like to have DHCP6 on the Mac. Autoconfig is not sufficient for this task unless there is some kind of trick you can do to make the eui-64 come out the same for both interfaces (don't think so). Anyone from Apple reading this list? :-) ---Rob