If you are looking for remote scrubbing, I can high recommend DDoS-Guard (ddos-guard.com), they do not have any “limits” on the size or the number of attacks, the billing is simply based on the clean bandwidth. The highest they have mitigated for us is about 40G. You can either have it in an always on mode, with all incoming traffic coming via their 4 POPs (Los Angeles, Amsterdam, Hong Kong or Almaty) or you can use something like FastNetMon or DDoS-Guard’s own application that runs on any hardware and use eBGP to route the victim /24 over DDG’s network. -- Kushal R. | Management Office: +1-8557374335 (Global) | +91-8080807931 (India) WhatsApp: +1-3104050010 (Global) | +91-9834801976 (India) host4geeks.com host4geeks.in On 4 Feb 2020, 7:22 PM +0530, Phil Lavin <phil.lavin@cloudcall.com>, wrote:
So is Imperva similar to how Kentik operates? What was it priced liked?
It is a nice model as you don't need additional hardware or virtual appliances on-prem, which cuts down on the CAPEX cost. Like everyone else, they price the scrubbing based on your clean traffic levels. Price I have is circa $73,000 a year for 250mbit clean traffic and circa $94,000 a year for 500mbit clean traffic. Reasonably good value if you get attacked a lot - a very expensive insurance policy if not. Yearly pricing is broadly on par with Radware, Arbor and A10 (Verisign).