William, You're quite right, we don't. We presume that our customers are honorable until proven otherwise. We're a legitimate U.S. based corporation and we make ourselves available to the pertinent RBL's and authorities as appropriate. We take action where action needs to be taken. I take offense, however, to the assumption that our entire company is bad and that all of our customers should suffer because of the actions of a few. I've given Larry @ Spamhaus a direct link to myself and our VP of Ops. If he choose to use it all of these problems can be nipped in the bud. You're quite fortunate to be under the protection of a major corporation, most do not have that luxury. Jeff On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 7:07 PM, William Pitcock <nenolod@systeminplace.net> wrote:
On Mon, 17 Jan 2011 18:54:37 -0500 Jeffrey Lyon <jeffrey.lyon@blacklotus.net> wrote:
Our company is primarily focused on the filtering of DDoS traffic. A significant amount of our IP space is routed elsewhere via proxy or GRE. If a customer pollutes, they pollute and thats their own business. If they abuse, we take action. If Spamhaus contacts us before ruining the business of others, we still take action (believe it or not).
Maybe that is the case now. It was not the case 8 years ago with IRCCo.
We don't actively decide to host any of this content. It sprouts up and really is not a concern of ours until it becomes an actual problem. Comparing us to FOONET and especially Atrivo is ignorant and short sighted. Perhaps you would understand if you were targeted by attacks.
I used to operate DroneBL. DroneBL's DNSBL servers are basically under permanent DDoS attack, which is why Cisco/IronPort and other providers have to sponsor them now.
While I understand the current aspect of your operation, you must understand that IRCCo did not make you many friends in the anti-abuse community. Sorry, that's just how it is. We look at BL/IRCCo and it does not make us feel warm and fuzzy.
Being proactive by say, checking out your customers before lighting them up would go a long way toward improving the fuzziness perception in the anti-abuse community. But you don't do that. It's clear you don't do that.
-- Jeffrey Lyon, Leadership Team jeffrey.lyon@blacklotus.net | http://www.blacklotus.net Black Lotus Communications - AS32421 First and Leading in DDoS Protection Solutions