Typical long trip via a sixxs.net tunnel. Unlike Hurricane Electric (tunnelbroker.net), Sixxs has no US peering that I know of so everything has to hit overseas before returning back. Curtis. -----Original Message----- From: Christopher Morrow [mailto:morrowc.lists@gmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2011 10:19 AM To: David Swafford Cc: nanog@nanog.org; DO-webmaster@nist.gov Subject: Re: www.nist.gov over v6 trouble Was: Microsoft's participation in World IPv6 day On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 6:33 AM, David Swafford <david@davidswafford.com> wrote:
Interesting, I'm having that same issue w/ www.nist.gov this morning. Front page loads fine, but all links return a 404. Here's my tracert if it helps:
tracert www.nist.gov Tracing route to nist.gov [2610:20:6060:aa::a66b] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 2001:1938:2a7::1 2 85 ms 87 ms 84 ms gw-383.phx-01.us.sixxs.net[2001:1938:81:17e::1]
phoenix, az,us
3 92 ms 99 ms 86 ms 2001:4de0:1000:a4::1 4 98 ms 87 ms 90 ms 1-3.ipv6.r1.ph.hwng.net[2001:4de0:1000:27::2] 5 136 ms 140 ms 131 ms 3-2.ipv6.r1.at.hwng.net[2001:4de0:1000:15::1] 6 167 ms 167 ms 175 ms 2-1.ipv6.r2.dc.hwng.net[2001:4de0:1000:7::1]
wash-dc, usa
7 246 ms 253 ms 245 ms 5-4.ipv6.r2.am.hwng.net[2001:4de0:1000:5::1]
amsterdam, nl! (you seem to have bypassed NIST here...)
8 248 ms 247 ms 247 ms AMS-IX.v6.lambdanet.net[2001:7f8:1::a501:3237:1] 9 265 ms 267 ms 265 ms FRA-1-pos413.v6.lambdanet.net[2001:7f0:0:16::1]
Frankfurt, DE
10 275 ms 268 ms 268 ms 6b1.fft4.alter.net [2001:7f8::319e:0:1]
w00t! 12702! - 'lab ipv6 network in EMEA'
11 268 ms 304 ms 271 ms gw6.dca6.alter.net [2001:600:c:8::2]
back to DC.
12 271 ms 271 ms 270 ms 2600:803:22f::2 13 280 ms 272 ms 268 ms 2600:803:22f::2
2 more hops and home in bethesda... whooo! long trip!
14 270 ms 269 ms 273 ms 2610:20:6060:aa::a66b Trace complete.