In message <4DFEC221.90902@mistral.co.uk>, Adam Atkinson writes:
Adam Atkinson wrote:
It was a very long time ago, but I seem to recall being shown http://dk, the home page of Denmark, some time in the mid 90s.
DK should NOT be doing this.
Oh, I'm not claiming it does it now. It certainly doesn't.
I should have checked before I wrote that. The _last_ time I tried it it redirected to something else in Denmark but that was also years ago, just not as many as I think I remember being shown http://dk
_Now_ I get rend up at http://www.dk.com/ if I don't
That's your browser "trying" to be helpful. If it is Firefox this can be turned off with about:config and browser.fixup.alternate.enabled to false. The default is true.
put a dot on the end, and https://www.dk-hostmaster.dk/ if I do.
Safari, Mozilla and Google Chrome all fail to resolve "http://dk/" on my Mac but all resolve "http://dk./". Mark -- Mark Andrews, ISC 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET: marka@isc.org