IP addresses appear to be property - - read http://news.findlaw.com/ hdocs/docs/cyberlaw/kremencohen72503opn.pdf. Given that domain names are property, IP addresses should be property, especially in California where are constitution states "All things of value are property"
I'm not sure how you can say that 32 bit integers have monetary value. There are more than 4 billiion of them and anyone can use any number they choose. What is valuable is the unique registration service which provides for a set of cooperating entities to share a single 32 bit number space without collision.
Also, what about ARINS hardcore attitude making it near impossible to aquire ip space, even when you justify it's use? I have had nightmares myself as well as MANY of my collegues share similar experiences. I am having an issue right now with a UNIVERSITY in Mexico tryin to get ip's from the mexican counterpart. Why is it that they involve lawyers, ask you all your customers names and etc... This is more information than I think they should be requiring. Any company that wishes to engage in business as an ISP or provider in some capacity should be granted the right to their own ip space. We cannot trust using ips swipped to us by upstreams and the like. Its just not safe to do that and you lose control.
I have a great deal of difficulty identifying with this. The information ARIN requests is, in my experience, reasonable and necessary for them to accurately verify that your request is in compliance with allocation policies. If you don't provide customer names, you can claim any number of customers you want and fabricate as large an artificial network as you like with no checks or balances. Having said that, in my experience, a properly filled out template in compliance with the policies has little or no difficulty getting addresses issued by ARIN. If you don't like the policies, then, there is an open process to change them. Having participated in that process for a number of years and having worked actively to make it possible to get address space for smaller entities (2002-3, Assignments of /22, for example) and portable IPv6 assignments for end-users (Policy 2005-1), I know it is possible to change ARIN policy. However, like any form of governance, this is a slow process and requires the building of consensus.
Actually, is there anyone else who shares these nightmares with me? I brought up the lawsuit with Kremen and ARIN to see if this is a common issue. What are your views, and can someone share nightmare stories?
There may be people who share your nightmares, but, I suspect it would be less of a nightmare if you worked with the ARIN staff instead of railing against them.
Don't get me wrong, I think there has to be SOME due dilligence, however their methodology is a bit hitlerish.
This is completely opposite of my experience. There was a time when I might have agreed with you, but, ARIN has changed a lot and is a much friendlier organization today than even 5 years ago.
If you have had similar problems, contact me off list or on, if you wish. I'd love to talk to you. AIM is preferred.
I've had the opposite experience across a number of ARIN allocations and assignments for organizations of various sizes. Owen