Thus spake "Stephen Griffin" <stephen.griffin@rcn.com>
The lack of clue tends to be on the providing in-addr side of things. I think it is a great thing to refuse connections from ips without in-addr, in the same way it is great to refuse mail from domains that don't provide postmaster addresses.
On first reading, I thought that was sarcasm. Now I realize you're serious.
It is a means through which one can influence the laziness of others. Simply disregarding what others do, only legitimizes the laziness, and continues us along the road of everyone doing the absolute minimum. ... You neglect to include the option of the customer changing to an ISP that provides in-addr.
So, if you ran Amazon.com, you wouldn't accept money from customers of clueless ISPs? Sadly, even that level of coercion wouldn't be anywhere near enough to motivate most ISPs. And your (non-)customers will be caught in the crossfire. S