Maybe they should do everyone a favor and return the hijacked blocks to ARIN.... I mean hell, does anyone really think that they have 6 /16's worth of machines directly accessible via the 'net? Obviously if they have been hijacked and the admins had the time to post here about it, it's not the end of the world for them... Just a little something to fuel a Sunday flamewar :-) -Dave -----Original Message----- From: bdragon@gweep.net [mailto:bdragon@gweep.net] Sent: Saturday, April 12, 2003 7:19 PM To: richard@mandarin.com Cc: nanog@merit.edu Subject: Re: Hijacking of address blocks assigned to Trafalgar House Group, London UK
I've been asked to draw the attention of Network administrators to the recent hijacking of various large blocks of ARIN IP-space: particularly six /16 blocks allocated to the London-based Trafalgar House Group.
Trafalgar House Group (THG): Trafalgar House Group TRAF (NET-144-176-0-0-1) Trafalgar House Group THIN1 (NET-144-177-0-0-1) Trafalgar House Group THIN3 (NET-144-179-0-0-1) Trafalgar House Group THIN4 (NET-144-180-0-0-1) Trafalgar House Group THIN5 (NET-144-181-0-0-1) Trafalgar House Group THIN2 (NET-158-181-0-0-1)
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