I've been using their biz offering for the past 18 months and have had a very good experience, including same day fixes all three times I reported problems (no truck dispatch required). For $105/month I get excellent speed and routable IP's. A good deal from my perspective. Oh, and you might want to read those SLA's you get from AT&T or any other carrier. Typically, all they give you for not meeting the SLA is "credits" and you typically have to ask for them, in writing within 30 days to actually get them. - Paul - On Feb 20, 2009, at 9:46 PM, Ryan A. Krenzischek wrote:
Yes, they do. You can find more information here:
Although, I'm sufficiently disappointed with Comcast's Business Cable service. I have had them since 6-NOV-2008 and they took 4 months and 1 week to fix a cabling problem at the head-end for my business Internet. Apparently the head-end was wired wrong in regards to how power was supplied to it. I had nothing but dropped packets and latency (400-500 MS, sometimes 1200 MS) problems. I lost so much business. I tried multiple times to speak with a manager but they would only pick up their phone after I sat for 30 minutes with the phone, pressing the redial key and placed 60 calls to them. I had to call their corporate office and file a complaint. I am still having dropped packet issues.
Comcast support also had the nerve to say it was my equipment and that I should immediately disconnect everything. Remind me again how is it my problem with *MY* equipment when the modem takes 25 minutes to sync/lock on the upstream channel?
I would *highly* recommend a T1 or partial T3. While they are more expensive and highly reliable, AT&T or other major telcos will fix the problem within a reasonable SLA. Comcast does NOT have a SLA. It took 4 months to fix my problems on a business account.
A Very Unhappy Comcast Customer,
Ryan Krenzischek
On Fri, 20 Feb 2009, Steven King wrote:
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2009 23:45:48 -0500 From: Steven King <sking@kingrst.com> To: John Martinez <jmartinez@zero11.com> Cc: NANOG list <nanog@nanog.org> Subject: Re: comcast price check Comcast has an Ethernet service?
John Martinez wrote:
Does any one here use comcast's ethernet services? If so, what is their price range?
Thanks in advance.