Today is off to a great start. A train derailed outside of Atlanta cutting several fiber cables affecting service in the southeast. If anyone sees some backhoes congregating outside the US Capital today, will you please shoo them away. Thanks. (for :-) impaired) IBM got years to prepare for the Olympics, we got 48 hours. This is also wrecking my CCIE study plans. CISCO WARNING: If I call the TAC today, you had better get that call escalated to intelligent life quickly. I got little sleep tonight, and I won't be amused by people reading the manual to me. PLEASE feel free to mirror any information on your web sites for your own users after it is released. We are now plugged into the CAIDA web cache at mae-west, for those using that. Most major media web sites are making plans to mirror the report on their sites. For your cisco config: ip go faster -- Sean Donelan, Data Research Associates, Inc, St. Louis, MO Affiliation given for identification not representation