I remember from the early days that ISPs meant the web to be just another kind of tv with you as a consumer and them as the provider. They were happy to NAT and to change your IPv4 address so you could not run servers for ftp or http. Some of them even hand out rfc 1918 addresses ... They were worried about VoIP and tried to stop it. They are worried about everything new. They think all users are children and try to block everything that is not meant for the kindergarden. UUCP is still there. With telefone flatrates I guess some people have already built there own little internets. A 14.4 modem can be as fast as 57.2 with big brother listening at both ends. You need only half the hardware because you never heard of CALEA and it is a problem of the phone company in the first place. I remember companies I worked for, who first moved from netware to tcp/ip and then even started interconnecting. Only when universities started connecting to us did we see the internet and had to renumber of course. I remember how our /etc/hosts was suddenly growing - no, we did not know DNS but some of us used IEN116 clients and servers. Ok - not all of them - only those who see all the money and dont know how to provide. The other side of the coin - a lot of people connected to us. We never asked their names. They connected on weekends or late at night. They rarely did big downloads, mostly uucp emails. And software was free. Enough ranting. Cheers Peter and Karin -- Peter and Karin Dambier Cesidian Root - Radice Cesidiana Rimbacher Strasse 16 D-69509 Moerlenbach-Bonsweiher +49(6209)795-816 (Telekom) +49(6252)750-308 (VoIP: sipgate.de) mail: peter@peter-dambier.de mail: peter@echnaton.arl.pirates http://iason.site.voila.fr/ https://sourceforge.net/projects/iason/ http://www.cesidianroot.com/