The IAHC's proposal can be found at "http://www.iahc.org/draft-iahc-recommend-00.html". Any cutomers (including yourself) will need to contact one of the new registrars to get a domain registered (similar to how you go to InteRNIC for .com domains.) unless you are a registrar yourself. The requirements for becoming elligible to be a registrar are also listed in that document. Please note that the domains are not scheduled to be available for over a year from now. Information about the IAHC, its procedures, and its recommendations, as well as endorsing parties can be found at "http://www.iahc.org/". Stephen At 08:34 07 05 97 -0700, Geoff White wrote:
On Wed, 7 May 1997, Cameo Wood wrote:
Citing "consistent and universal criticism," the IAHC announced that any service meeting financial and technical qualifications will be eligible to become a registrar. No lottery will be held.
Are these requirements listed anywhere? I've got customers chomping at the bit to get at these new domains. I just need to know how to register these domains.