3 Feb
3 Feb
9:13 p.m.
On Thu, Feb 03, 2005 at 09:21:19PM +0200, Petri Helenius wrote:
Nils Ketelsen wrote:
Only thing that puzzles me is, why it took spammers so long to go in this direction. It didn't. It took the media long to notice.
Pete's correct. And there's another reason: spammers have long since demonstrated that they will adapt when necessary. Now that some ISPs have FINALLY, more than two years after they were warned that they needed block port 25 inbound/outbound ASAP on as much of their address space as possible in order to put a sock in this, done something...the spammers may have judged that it's become necessary. And please note: this is far, FAR from the last thing that they have in their bag of tricks. ---Rsk