Similarly, is there such a thing as this in NYC? There's lots of inter-LEC hanky-panky here... And could someone define "DS0 shredding"? Thanks, Charles -- =-----------------= = | Charles Sprickman Internet Channel | | INCH System Administration Team (212)243-5200 | | spork@inch.com access@inch.com | = =----------------= On Fri, 22 Jan 1999, Jim Browne wrote:
I'm trying to gauge interest among San Francisco Bay Area operators (ISPs and knowledgeable corporate customers) with respect to starting a mailing list or forum dedicated to the notification of LEC operational issues specific to the Bay Area.
I'm willing to run a list with a strict AUP. Such a list would allow customers of PacBell, ICG, TCG, Brooks, MFS, etc. to communicate outages such as the current DS0 shredding between Brooks and PacBell at SJ SpacePark. I'm interested in an emphasis on the tandems and PRI (dialup) related problems, but I'm sure there would be ample room for notifications regarding fiber cuts, DACS failures, and similar issues.
If you are interested drop me a line. If sufficient interest arises, I'll make it a full-blown list.
Jim Browne jbrowne@jbrowne.com "I wish journalism would return to its glory days, when principled incorruptible men like William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer were in charge."- Vanessa Jackson, Piano Teacher, www.theonion.com