Steven J. Sobol wrote:
I've found that on changes to domains for which I'm already a contact, setting my authentication to CRYPT-PW works well, causing changes to be completed within hours.
I just got a mail back today that was stuck in an internic mailhost for over a week. :-p Like, literally, stuck. Received: from mail-hub.internic.net (noc2.internic.net [] (may be fo rged)) by eagle.ais.net (8.8.8/AIS) with ESMTP id SAA00815 for <jamie@ais.net>; Sun, 27 Sep 1998 18:57:48 -0500 (CDT) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ X-Authentication-Warning: eagle.ais.net: Host noc2.internic.net [] (m ay be forged) claimed to be mail-hub.internic.net Received: (from mts@localhost) by mts1.internic.net (8.8.5/8.8.4) id RAA02354; Tue, 15 Sep 1998 17:45:38 -0400 (EDT) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ -- jamie rishaw (efnet:gavroche) American Information Systems, Inc. Tel:312.425.7140, FAX:312.425.7240 Help stop spam! router(config)#no ip routing thirty thousand feet above the earth..youre a beautiful thing..