Found on a website hosted in US by a US service provider:
Manpower resources of Muslims and powerful ideological stimulus of resistance, the control above the basic power resources of the world, the geographical position and an area of movement, finally will destroy USA. War will come in the house of each American.
And it already will be the collapse of that America, which we know and which is realized by Americans. The first disturbing symptoms of arising enmity and split of America already is available.
This is from the inverview with the spokesman of well-known terrorist Shamil Basaev, known for personally taking hostage hundreds of patients in a hospital, among other things (the spokesman is Movladi Udugov, the guy who threatened to drop an airplane on Kremlin). http://www.kavkaz.org/english/news/2001/09/14/news4.htm Hosted by XO Communications - do not bother them, i already alerted their staff. Guys, why should a North American provider give a place for this propaganda? Call FBI, have them trace the connections of whoever pays for that site. [If you decide to read the entire article - the "so-called peacemaker" Boris Nemtsov mentioned there is a prominent pro-Western politican in Russia, and (used to be, changed his mind after WTC attack) a leading proponent of negotiations with Chechen militants. A shining illustration of what you get for trying to negotiate with terrorists.] Please, if you host websites, take a closer look at what you are hosting; you may help to find leads for the investigation. --vadim