On Wed, 19 Jan 2005 15:55:19 +0100, Jeroen Massar <jeroen@unfix.org> wrote:
On Wed, 2005-01-19 at 09:11 -0500, Robert E.Seastrom wrote:
"Mike Callahan" <mcallahan@bullseyetelecom.net> writes:
By any chance is this list available via xml/rss?
There are several email to rss gateway software packages out there; it would be trivial to roll your own.
YMMV, but after reading a couple of other mailing lists that were gatewayed to rss, my sense is that RSS is not the right technology for reading NANOG unless one were to create a "first article only" feed.
I am actually wonder if RSS has an advantage at all compared to a mailinglist, especially as RSS is a pull mechanism, if there is nothing or not a lot happening it will be polling the server a lot of times needlessy, thus causing server resources. While of course a mailinglist has the overhead of the email headers. But I am quite convinced of the idea that a push * 25.000 subscribers is lighter load on the server than having a continues pull by those 25.000 subscribers...
Next to that, my mailbox simply shows the articles I have not read and I throw out what I did read and can easily reply to what I like to reply to. Personally thus RSS has not much value, just like NNTP actually, even though NNTP comes quite close to email.
Greets, Jeroen
Try pointing your subscription to Gmail. Plenty of space to hold a nice archive. Quickly Searchable, accessible from anywhere, automatic threading. Make a label and matching filter for each mailing-list...make's thing nice and sorted automatically. Your Gmail acc't can be accessed via rss too, so there's that. --chip Just my $.02, your mileage may vary, batteries not included, etc....