however, when you set up BGP peerage with somebody, you're at the mercy of whatever level of selectivity they use in their injections. that is, most folks do not use RPSL or the PRDB or whatever to control what they'll listen to from a BGP peer. the assumption of trust and competence still runs high among people who speak BGP to each other.
only among those who have not been burned.
so the question that's got me perturbed at the moment is, if a spammer wanted to spam from unallocated address space using five minute windows, would YOUR routing core allow it? subquestion 1: if the spammer is your customer. subquestion 2: if the spammer is a customer of one of your BGP peers. subquestion 3: if the spamemr is a customer of a distant BGP-connected AS.
no to all, of course. filters are your friend. filters are your friends' friend. randy