On Fri, Jan 03, 2003 at 07:15:43PM +0000, E.B. Dreger wrote:
Yes, comparisons are case-insensitive. So what? strcasecmp() works on ASCII strings. Now it must work on <new encoding x>. Why not let <new encoding x> be UTF-8, something programmers should support already? Maybe MS-style Unicode encoding? Why add yet another encoding?!
Even the current MS encoding does not work. Check out, which I think runs VMS. It does not even pass >127 characters to the root-servers. It is the nameserver for a /16. dig www.abc�.com A @ <- www.abc\xfe.com
I fear I may be straying OT, for this is layers 6/7...
Hoping for all nameservers to magically break RFC compliance because you think a 'properly coded nameserver' should behave is naive to say the least. PowerDNS may well lowercase your query using functions not guaranteed to do anything useful on >127 characters. Perhaps they are being helpful and change capital-U-umlaut to lowercase-U-umlaut. Who knows. Regards, bert -- http://www.PowerDNS.com Open source, database driven DNS Software http://lartc.org Linux Advanced Routing & Traffic Control HOWTO http://netherlabs.nl Consulting