Eric Wieling wrote:
On Wed, Sep 17, 1997 at 02:34:56PM -0700, Vadim Antonov wrote:
There's at least one known way to build a network which has no capacity problems at NAPs and does not break down routing scalability.
Charge 4x what people are charging now.
Not at all. Actually, from what i've heard (and i talked to a lot of very senior people in emerging and established carriers) we're going to see a rather dramatic fall in cost of long-haul bandwidth. There are two reasons for that: the first is WDM, and the second is the emergence of datacomm-aware thinking in capacity planning departments. After all, it does not cost a lot more to put 100 strands in the same trench than only 6. The NAP capacity problem does not have anything to do with money. Simply, growth along the Moore's Law is too slow for the Internet. --vadim