Yes bgp multihop is a GREAT* way to figure out if a cablemodem** is even /really/ online. Alas, I've not see much on the traffic engineering side either. * Read "the only way i've found to do this with cisco's ios" ** or any other pipe for that matter. On Tue, 4 Nov 2008, Charles Wyble wrote:
Date: Tue, 04 Nov 2008 12:32:11 -0800 From: Charles Wyble <charles@thewybles.com> To: NANOG list <nanog@nanog.org> Subject: On the subject of multihoming
I'm working on a small experiment which utilizes multiple outbound links (in the experiments case multiple consumer 3G connections [to 2 Sprint/2 Verizon/1 AT&T], Time Warner Cable Modem and an SBC Global DSL connection.
What is the best way to do outbound traffic engineering? I would like to be able to determine the best path possible and send traffic out the appropriate link.
Could this be done with a copy of the BGP tables?
Obviously as they are consumer connections, I wouldn't get a BGP feed so would need to download a copy, which has the risk of stale data. Perhaps some sort of multihop BGP setup?
I have done some research and found a lot of references to small site multihoming without BGP for link redundancy but not for traffic engineering.