Sorry Erik, I'm not well versed on the ACX5048 qos at the moment.....I'm just now undergoing a qos project which will require me to learn more about the gear in my network, to include the sub-rings of acx5048's. Perhaps check back with me in a while and I might know more. I am not handling my ENNI's on any acx5048's.... and I'm not policing any of my cell backhaul on acx5048's.... I put regulator's (Accedian's name for policers) on my MetroNID's which hang off the ACX5048's so I haven't had to do that. Again, sorry, I can't help with that at the moment. Hopefully others on the list can respond... or check the good ole Juniper NSP mail list... juniper-nsp@puck.nether.net Or check here... http://www.juniper.net/techpubs/en_US/junos/information-products/pathway-pag es/acx-series/index.html http://www.jnpr.net/techpubs/en_US/junos15.1x54-D60/information-products/pat hway-pages/acx-series/acx-series-151x54d60.pdf Class Of Service - Part 7 (page 775/2870) - Aaron