On Wed, 2005-01-19 at 09:11 -0500, Robert E.Seastrom wrote:
"Mike Callahan" <mcallahan@bullseyetelecom.net> writes:
By any chance is this list available via xml/rss?
There are several email to rss gateway software packages out there; it would be trivial to roll your own.
YMMV, but after reading a couple of other mailing lists that were gatewayed to rss, my sense is that RSS is not the right technology for reading NANOG unless one were to create a "first article only" feed.
I am actually wonder if RSS has an advantage at all compared to a mailinglist, especially as RSS is a pull mechanism, if there is nothing or not a lot happening it will be polling the server a lot of times needlessy, thus causing server resources. While of course a mailinglist has the overhead of the email headers. But I am quite convinced of the idea that a push * 25.000 subscribers is lighter load on the server than having a continues pull by those 25.000 subscribers... Next to that, my mailbox simply shows the articles I have not read and I throw out what I did read and can easily reply to what I like to reply to. Personally thus RSS has not much value, just like NNTP actually, even though NNTP comes quite close to email. Greets, Jeroen