And here is the breathtaking job description: Director Database Marketing Job Description: Senior professional responsible for devising and executing programs in direct Marketing customer intimacy, and new product development using the date and information assets of NSI. At heart of the Internet & registration of nearly 2 million .com, .org, .net addresses, NSI is positioned to assist its customers by introducing products and services designed to suit their needs. Director will "own" the information assets of the company and employ them to drive revenue. On Wed, Sep 02, 1998 at 04:24:27PM -0400, Alan Sullivan - VoTiV Systems wrote:
FYI, Sorry for those who cannot read HTML attachments, ignore last message....
Interesting web link... Anybody want a job to market whois?
| Kate Lance (System Manager) connect.com.au pty ltd | | clance@connect.com.au Level 9, 114 Albert Rd | | Tel: (03) 9251-3672 South Melbourne | | Fax: (03) 9251-3666 VIC 3205 Australia |