On Thu, Mar 20, 1997 at 08:30:52PM -0800, Dave Crocker wrote:
eDNS enables *all* business models for registration of TLDs and SLDs.
as I said, it sets up monopolies.
No it doesn't. eDNS sets up NO business model. *RA*s set up business models. Again, you are confusing things deliberately. The eDNS model does not mandate, or prohibit, any model EXCEPT one which seeks to stop other models from being born and tested in a free marketplace. eDNS eschews monopolization of business models. McDonalds does not have a "monopoly". They have a *BRAND*. You like to use that word because it is emotionally charged and you get a "kick" from it when you use it. But the fact is that a company which develops a particular brand has certain rights which come along with that development. McDonalds can stop people from selling "Big Macs", unless they pay the appropriate license fee and adhere to their standards. We don't believe this is "bad" in any other line of work. In fact, the United States and virtually every other country in the world honors these principles. Do you claim that McDonalds has a monopoly? Or do they have a brand of hamburger?
Its tough to tell the person who pays the check every day "no". Very, very difficult.
Now, you see. That's interesting, because I don't have any trouble imagining Paul say no, even to someone who has been giving him money.
Really? Well, let's see. So far they have all said no. So far NSI has maintained the monopoly. So far *NSI* has not bought off on the IAHC model, and in fact has issued press releases which pretty strongly indicate, at least from how I read them, that they have no intention of doing so now or in the future. Yet the IANA roots remain closed.
My accountability is simple. If I violate the process someone steps in and my single machine gets replaced with another. I have no authority or control
Let's see. That means that you are offering the Root du Jour. And tomorrow, it may be someone else. Personally, I rather have a system that ensures rather more stability for the DNS root and TLD service than that.
On the contrary. eDNS is a process. It is not a person. It will survive if I get hit by a bus tomorrow, because the *process* is valid. It will survive if I turn rogue tomorrow for the same reason. eDNS isn't Karl Denninger. Its a model for recognition of the development of competing models in a free marketplace of TLDs. If the "all shared" model is the best one, then it will win on its own. Nobody has to force it on anybody. The "brands" which aren't controlled by huge numbers of registrars, all with equal access, will fail. On their own. I do *NOT* claim to be omniscient and know what is the "best" model. I *DO* believe the market can figure that out for itself without my "help". Meddling in what is fundamentally a free process inherently leads to higher costs and poorer performance. History says that this is basically always true, and I have no reason to believe that you, or anyone else, myself included, is THAT good.
Nonsense. The TLD namespace IS global. There is nothing preventing non-US interests from registering TLDs, and in fact more than one has (proof positive that this statement is ALSO false). There are currently registrars in Germany and Japan -- pretty much opposite "ends" of the world.
Well, since I've lost track of the number of "how dare you take this outside the US" messages you've sent, your above declaration comes as a bit of a surprise.
Not in the least. I've said that *I* want the right to register in a namespace which is controlled by a US organization because if they screw me I want legal recourse. Others may not see it that way. Under eDNS, they have that *choice*. Under the IAHC model, NOBODY gets to make a free choice. eDNS is about choice Dave. Its not about people, and its not about dictators or monopolies. Its about users of the network choosing the models of registration that they want, and the companies who provide those models efficiently being the ones who "win" over time. None of the other models can make that claim. All of them claim to know what is best for everyone else. The arrogance displayed by the people making those proclamations is, in many cases, transparent enough to see right through -- most of those folks have quite a bit of self-interest driving their conclusions, and the rest simply think they're smarter than everyone else. Virtually everyone who believes that of themself is eventually proven to be foolish at best. -- -- Karl Denninger (karl@MCS.Net)| eDNS - The free-market solution http://www.edns.net/ | hostmaster@edns.net