Francois Menard wrote:
The Coalition of Internet Service Providers has filed a substantial contribution at the CRTC stating:
1) The CRTC should forbid DPI, as it cannot be proven to be 98.5% effective at trapping P2P, such as to guarantee congestion relief
2) The CRTC should allow for other forms of traffic management by ISPs, such as Flow Management
This is part of the public record at the following address:
The world will see Canada taking head-on the issue of addressing the legitimacy of DEEP PACKET INSPECTION as a mean of properly managing an incumbent's network behind the unbundling/peering interface.
NANOG cannot pretend that this debate does not take place and remain silent on this.
Francios; Are you responding directly to my post via an automated filter, or am I the only one seeing the hijacking of this thread? Either way, great! I thought that I'd state that I forgot to mention in my original post that I was considering running HSRP (vrrp) on my core routers, for the access-layer clients who are not multi-homed. Given my setup, does RFC3768 at the 'core' make sense? Steve