As long as their is no international accepted standard as to how to report abuse and everyone cooking up his/her own methods.. I think you have either the choice of adapting and thus be able to deal with the abuse. Or be lazy and stubborn, ignore it, wait for the bad reputation to say hi to your company and face the effects it might cause. Kind regards, Alexander Maassen - Technical Maintenance Engineer Parkstad Support BV- Maintainer DroneBL- Peplink Certified Engineer -------- Oorspronkelijk bericht --------Van: Tom Beecher <beecher@beecher.cc> Datum: 21-09-16 17:13 (GMT+01:00) Aan: Justin Wilson <lists@mtin.net> Cc: NANOG <nanog@nanog.org> Onderwerp: Re: PlayStationNetwork blocking of CGNAT public addresses I have a hard time accepting that service providers should re-engineer their networks because other companies cannot properly engineer their abuse tooling. On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 11:33 AM, Justin Wilson <lists@mtin.net> wrote:
PSN is one reason I am not a fan of CGNAT. All they see are tons of connections from the same IP. This results in them banning folks. Due to them being hacked so many times getting them to actually communicate is almost impossible. My .02 is just get the gamers a true public if at all possible.
Justin Wilson j2sw@mtin.net
--- http://www.mtin.net Owner/CEO xISP Solutions- Consulting – Data Centers - Bandwidth
http://www.midwest-ix.com COO/Chairman Internet Exchange - Peering - Distributed Fabric
On Sep 20, 2016, at 8:24 AM, Danijel Starman <theghost101@gmail.com> wrote:
Something similar happened to a local FantasyConon I was helping set up, we had only two PS4 machines there and accounts provided by Blizzard for Overwatch. Outside IP of the LAN (as it was NATed) was banned by PSN in about 8h. There was no other traffic other then those two accounts playing Overwatch so my guess is that they have some too aggressive checks. I've managed to convince our ISP there to change the outside IP of the link so we got them working the next day but it happened again in 8h.
-- *blap*
On Fri, Sep 16, 2016 at 3:12 PM, Simon Lockhart <simon@slimey.org> wrote:
We operate an access network with several hundred thousand users. Increasingly we're putting the users behind CGNAT in order to continue to give them an IPv4 service (we're all dual-stack, so they all get public IPv6 too). Due to the demographic of our users, many of them are gamers.
We're hitting a problem with PlayStationNetwork 'randomly' blocking some of our CGNAT outside addresses, because they claim to have received anomalous, or 'attack' traffic from that IP. This obviously causes problems for the other legitimate users who end up behind the same public IPv4 address.
Despite numerous attempts to engage with PSN, they are unwilling to give us any additional information which would allow us to identify the 'rogue' users on our network, or to identify the 'unwanted' traffic so that we could either block it, or use it to identify the rogue users ourselves.
Has anyone else come up against the problem, and/or have any suggestions on how best to resolve it?
Many thanks in advance,