On Tue, 22 Jul 2003 14:58:22 -0000, jgraun@comcast.net said:
That is a bit paranoid, but it could happen. I have not seen anybody do anything that intelligent in the past couple of years. Not to say that there arent people out there that couldn't do that but I think many have thought of using one exploit to expose another, DDoS is the closest I have seen on any of my honeypots.
Not paranoid enough. :) Not only *could* it happen, it almost certainly *is* happening. Remember that in general, only the ankle-biter black hats get caught, just like the police catch mostly the stupid crooks. My co-worker Randy Marchany has been doing talks for *years* saying why firewalls by themselves don't work - he'll ask the audience how many run firewalls, and a lot will raise their hands... then he'll ask if they pass port 25 and/or 80, and a lot of hands remain raised.. then he'll ask if *anybody* behind the firewall is running an unpatched Outlook or IE... and a lot of hands remain raised, with very worried looks as the implications sink in....