14 Aug
14 Aug
3:56 p.m.
--On Monday, August 05, 2002 15:09:43 -0700 "John M. Brown" <jmbrown@ihighway.net> wrote:
Or you could be a good neighbor and have your DNS answer NXDOMAIN for the RFC1918 zones and stop the traffic before it left your network.
If you have clients that are using RFC1918 and YOUR NS's then don't let those packets out. Give a NXDOMAIN answer back towards them and save us all. :)
Or set up an AS112 server, let the customer win2k boxes send updates and then *accept*those*updates*. Watch badly configured networks go bellyup when the updates are served out again and then over-written. *evil grin* -- Måns Nilsson Systems Specialist +46 70 681 7204 KTHNOC MN1334-RIPE We're sysadmins. To us, data is a protocol-overhead.