On Wed, Jan 24, 2007 at 07:30:06PM -0500, Dan Mahoney, System Admin wrote: [...]
I came back to find all my cat5 cables neatly tied with some sort of waxed twine, using an interesting looping knot pattern that repeated every six inches or so using a single piece of string. [...] I have tried googling for the method, (it's apparently standard, I've seen it in play elsewhere), and for the type of twine, but had little luck.
The kind my vendor was able to get was flat (not the normal stuff). As far as I know, this stuff is usually surprisingly expensive and / or comes in large cases. You might just see if the people at your colo can give you a roll or two, or ask where they order theirs (last time I asked, they bought it by the case). I believe this is the stuff I have: http://www.edmo.com/index.php?module=products&func=display&prod_id=20352 I got it from a local outfit (Danbru - http://danbru.com - great Socal vendor) at ~ $35/roll, which seemed exorbitant to me. w