Joe Greco wrote:
How do you verify the authenticity of anything? This is a common problem in the Real World, and is hardly limited to LoA's.
How do you prove that what was on Pages 1 to (N-1) of an N page contract contained the words you think they said? I knew a guy, back in the early days, who habitually changed the SLA's in his contracts so that he could cancel a contract for virtually no reason at all ... the folly of mailing around contracts as .doc files in e-mail. But even failing that, it's pretty trivial to reprint a document, so where do you stop, do you use special paper, special ink, watermarking of documents, initial each page, all of the above, etc?
what about using a digital signation of e.g. a pdf version of a scan? cheers, raoul -- ____________________________________________________________________ DI (FH) Raoul Bhatia M.Sc. email. r.bhatia@ipax.at Technischer Leiter IPAX - Aloy Bhatia Hava OEG web. http://www.ipax.at Barawitzkagasse 10/2/2/11 email. office@ipax.at 1190 Wien tel. +43 1 3670030 FN 277995t HG Wien fax. +43 1 3670030 15 ____________________________________________________________________