Drew, Something that was just released that you might be interested in if you haven't already found an alternate solution. http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/sw/iosswrel/ps5207/products_feature_guid... It's a new feature in 12.3(8)T. Rodney On Fri, Mar 12, 2004 at 10:39:16PM -0500, Drew Weaver wrote:
Does anyone know of an article, or documentation regarding load balancing the traffic on 3 or more FastEthernet interfaces on the outgoing direction? Right now we're running BGP internally, and the routes that are being chosen based upon the final BGP decision step or what I like to call the 'IP address tie breaker' which is not always optimal. We have a cisco 7500 that is connected to 4 other Cisco 7500s which each have 45Mbps ds3s to the Internet, we would like to load balance the outgoing traffic across all 4 of these 7500s, can anyone shine any advice my way? I noticed that there are instructions on Cisco's site regarding doing LB on 12000s.
Anyways thanks in advance ;-)