Jo Rhett wrote:
On Sep 4, 2008, at 12:38 PM, Gadi Evron wrote:
Seriously though, everyone should take care of their own end first. The problem is Jo doesn't seem to be in the loopon attacks from recent years, but I am unsure he would change his mind if he was/
Nice going, Gadi -- let's insult someone who does a good job of protecting your network from his customers.
Reminder: Gadi isn't a native English speaker. I understood "Take care of their own end first" to mean "please do BCP38" -- it polices your "own" end.
I spend at least 8 hours a week tracking down attacks originating from non-BCP38 networks. This is still a real problem, and the idea that BCP-38 is some fad that is irrelevant now ... I have no words for this kind of idiocy. Everyone should be doing BCP-38. ...
Hopefully, we all agree! That's why it's been a "Best Current Practice" for a decade or so....