Also, you could also take the approach of wiring a whole building for Internet connectivity through that model, like Intellispace does. -- Jonathan Daniel Senie wrote:
At 05:22 PM 5/14/2004, you wrote:
Hello Fellow NANOG'ers,
I was just thinking about this - tell me if it sounds reasonable? The company that I work for developed a piece of technology which, through rate-limit statements, allow customers to buy/sell bandwidth "on demand". Now, I was thinking: "Why can't we take this technology that we've tested successfully in a colo environment and adapt it a little bit for personal/buisness-class ISP's to allow them to bill for the bandwidth that a customer uses, and only that with the exception of a base monthly fee (to cover the DSL/T1 loop, e-mail services, support, etc.) of a few dollars.
The access line (T-1, etc.) loop charge is substantially larger than the bandwidth charge. Get the phone companies to price the lines better, and it might make sense.
Personally, I would like to see a senario where everyone just pays for what they use - it would be a much better system for allowing people who don't neccessarily need to get on the Internet at high-speed, get on high-speed which will not only increase revenue for the ISP's, but also for the customer who can now use DSL/T1 access in a much more effective way.
Questions? Comments? Suggestions?
-- Jonathan
-- Jonathan M. Slivko Network Operations Center Invisible Hand Networks, Inc. help@invisiblehand.net 1-866-MERKATO (USA) 1-812-355-5908 (Intl) <http://www.invisiblehand.net>
-- Jonathan M. Slivko Network Operations Center Invisible Hand Networks, Inc. help@invisiblehand.net 1-866-MERKATO (USA) 1-812-355-5908 (Intl) <http://www.invisiblehand.net>