On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 10:12:01AM +0930, Mark Smith wrote:
o allow an IPv6 router to indicate to an end-node that the destination it is attempting to send to is onlink. This situation occurs when the router is more informed than the origin end-node about what prefixes are onlink.
This shouldn't happen very often either, as multiple onlink IPv6 routers should be announcing the same Prefix Information Options in their RAs, and therefore end-nodes should be fully informed as to all the onlink prefixes. ICMPv6 redirects in this scenario would only occur during the introduction of that new prefix information i.e. the time gap between when the first and second onlink routers are configured with new prefix information.
It may be true the situations where redirects are required for this are few in number, but I think it is not true that the use of redirects is limited solely to the configuration gap between introducing a new prefix. In NBMA networks, it is said that the nodes will have IPv6 addresses with no covering advertised prefixes ("IPv6 Core Protocols Implementation", page 393, just spotted while reading today). Additionally, the typical use of /128 "role addresses" for services aliased onto lo0 mean the router has a /128 route for the role address to an on-link device, but a covering prefix advertisement would be both futile and inappropriate. I don't necessarily want to say that your conclusion is false, but rather that it seems to me there are more enumerations in the set. -- David W. Hankins BIND 10 needs more DHCP voices. Software Engineer There just aren't enough in our heads. Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. http://bind10.isc.org/